Wireless ADB

Starting things off with a Developer Tool – Android Debug Bridge.

This is the tool using which you connect your physical device like phone to your PC / Mac so you can test your application. Android allows using this tool even without USB cable making it Wireless ADB.

Simply download one of many applications from Google Play Store by searching for “Wireless ADB”. The one I am using is “ADB Konnect“. Install the app and turn the feature ON with a simple button click.

Then using the command prompt of your PC (or Terminal of Mac) navigate to the Android SDK’s platform-tools folder and execute the command adb connect followed by the IP address shown in your device.

It would look like this. Of course the IP will change for you.

adb connect (for Windows)

./adb connect (for Mac) 

Why do you need: To develop and test with ease without scrambling for usb cable.

Why don’t you need: You lose the ability to get the phone charged as well when testing!

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