Use iPhone on Project Fi

Thanks to Project Fi, I can use my iPhone alongside Nexus 6 for calls and texts!


If you don’t know what Project Fi is, this is an attempt of Google to do something unprecedented in mobile industry. That is being Simple, Cheap and yet give double the network coverage. Yes, Project Fi is a MVNO (mobile virtual network operator) network that runs on T-Mobile and Sprint networks. Two is better than one right? Yes, as long as Google can make it to work! But that is not the point of discussion here.


With Project Fi, your Google Voice number gets merged with your phone number. That means if you use Google Hangouts to call a US number (from US), the calls are not just free, but also will go as if you are dialing from your phone number. Ok, how about the incoming calls? Hangouts have ability to receive incoming calls too! Where does all of this leaves us? Though Project Fi SIM is supported officially only in Nexus 6, I can afford to leave my Nexus 6 home. I can carry a different device, why not an iPhone, install Hangouts for all your calls and texts. Only drawback is you will be heavily relying on the data network. Don’t expect clear and smooth calls unless there is 3G / 4G LTE or WiFi.


Project Fi has many advertised features including double network coverage, seamless network to network transitions including WiFi, automatic connections to public WiFi through Google VPN, refund for unused data etc. But the ability to use any phone (or even any browser as long as you can get to Google Hangouts) as your phone is amazing to say the least. And better than any other google experiments, this works great as well!


Well, yes, I am not using iPhone “on” Project Fi network. But I am running my iPhone “on” the Project Fi number!


Now that is how I am rocking an iPhone alongside my Nexus 6!

Pointly Location Sharing for iOS now available!


The iOS version of my Pointly app is now available in the Apple App Store!

Things to note:

  • iOS version does not work all seamless like the Android version, because of iOS security restrictions.
  • When you want to find someone else’s location, you will be prompted to click send to the pre-set text message. This automatically happens behind the scene in Android. (Same case when you want to push your location to someone else)
  • When you receive the location from someone, you need to open the text message and open the location URL manually (same iOS restriction). This automatically happens in Android.

But all the differentiating features are there as in Android:

  • No cloud data means no worry of someone spying you.
  • No tracking.
  • No background process.
  • No battery hog.
  • All location sharing purely on-demand!

Try the Android version (of course if you have a device), to see the full potential of the app. The iOS version is meant to be a supporter to play along with iPhone users.

Google teases modular phone with Project Ara

Heard about the Google’s Project Ara, where you build your own phone like we used to build our own computers a decade ago?

The video is very promising. Now only hoping, this is as cool as it shows in the video, comes to market soon and also affordable!

Also it will be very interesting to see how the Android OEM’s react to this, especially knowing that Google will allow many small players to make compatible modules, biting into the already very tight android manufacturers market.


Pointly – Location Sharing via SMS

My first app, under my personal banner is available in Google Play Store. iOS version is coming soon (as soon as Apple approves it).

Pointly is a location sharing app, where the device sharing location don’t need any data. The device receiving the location, also don’t need data, as long as the Google Maps is cached! All transactions happen through SMS. Completely private. More Android integrated features coming soon.

The app is FREE with no Ads or in-app purchases! Give it a try and give your feedback!

Android Auto vs Apple CarPlay

Android Auto

It may be obvious coming from me, but I like Android Auto much better than Apple CarPlay. Android Auto seems much polished and totally customized for the Drive mode than the Apple’s counterpart which looks too familiar and more like looking at iPhone 3G!

It is easy to guess from these Screenshots which is what.

Car maker support is all split for now. But I am expecting most of them to support both platforms. After all, they don’t want a $600 product to determine purchase of their $30,000 or more product!

iPhone review by an Android fan

I was planning to get an iPhone myself to give it a fair chance. To find out what all this hype is about. Is a mere breakable, bendable, less powerful, expensive piece of electronic worth waiting in line?

This review is too good, that I can now save my $650 + tax.

Wrap-up (From the below Source)
My experience with the iPhone 6 ends like I expected it to. The phone was impressive in battery life, camera, display, and performance categories, but I was ultimately left frustrated by the intricacies of iOS 8 that differ from Android. From Settings and Notifications handling to the silos that still exist while developers get their apps ready for Extensions to that damn physical home button. It’s obvious that Apple has created an experience that they feel is the best for everyone, except they forgot about the tinkerers of the world and those of us who want ultimate control, who want to customize a phone’s experience, and who don’t want to be told that their phone should be used a certain way.
The iPhone 6 and iOS are consistent – they just aren’t consistently what I want.

Is it all about a big phone?

iPhone grows up, from a Lilliputian to a mature size, from being microscopic to be seen finally in naked eyes! Seriously in 2014, cannot imagine a tiny 4″ screen for a gorgeous UI (no pun intended). The bigger size has potential to change a lot, and it will. All the users Apple lost to Samsung, may come back to mother Apple. That in turn means pressure on other manufacturers and the ones who will thrive in this equal-sized war is us, the consumers!

Meanwhile, what does Samsung has to say? They have a point – “Its not just about big size, its about being more productive”. Let us wait and see how this goes.